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Gender in Economics


 A message from your Editors

The violence and injustice that women endure have become a mainstay in current discourse. Cases like Sarah Everard’s and Sabina Nessa’s stand as a testament to the prevailing inequality between men and women within society.


With this project, we aim to remind people that physical violence is not the only disadvantage to life as a woman. Women’s human and economic rights face an assault on all fronts - in property, health, job opportunities, parenthood, and even film.


In spite of that, there are people fighting for what they believe in. A more equitable world in which women are able to obtain the same rights and representation as men. 


Whether that be independent female action groups arguing for the right of women to own property, individual women speaking out about their treatment (or lack thereof) within the health system, or even the relatively trivial ‘Bechdel test’ - a measurement of female presence in film - to some extent, things are changing.


Ultimately, there is hope. There is no denying that gender imbalance exists but evaluating where they are and spotlighting how to fix them brings us one step closer to greater equality that all of society can benefit from.


Tolu Odejide & Emily Vaughan (2021/2022 Exec)


Image by Hal Gatewood

Gender Data Gap in Health

"Men are set as the 'default' in medical research which inevitably has deadly consequences through inappropriate diagnoses..." 

Image by Clay Banks

Workplace Inequalities 

"Whilst female participation at senior levels is improving, there is still a long way to go to reach gender equality in the workplace ..." 


Women, Land, and Property Rights

"The key to achieving gender equality may differ for these women, but the struggle is the same. The right to build a vision of a fulfilling future for them and their children. The right to land and a property a priority for us all... " 

Image by GR Stocks

The Future of Film is Female: Film Finance 

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

Cute piggy bank_edited.jpg

Pro-choice, Pro-women's Economic Rights

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

"Unless your a man at the top of the income distribution - which unsurprisingly most lawmakers are - being pro-choice will often be the best strategy to maximise your own welfare... "

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

Mother and Baby

Parenthood in the workplace

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

"It is the bogeyman hanging over you in your early thirties - it is the ultimate sacrifice they are societally expected to make at some undefined point... "

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

Fashion with Mask

COVID 19's Expose on Women's employment

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

"The spirit and purpose of equity and equal opportunity must not be lost no matter what the 'new normal' turns out to be... "

"For change to happen, though, we need to think about why this lack of representation prevails... " 

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